Sunday, September 2, 2012

Did I mention I am Chinese?

5 yr old lil girl with a whole lotta attitude: "Ms. Zhang, your eyes are like Chinese eyes. They're from China. They're weird."
Me: "Yea, you know, I am Chinese... I wouldn't say they're weird.. I think I'm pretty in my own way...?"
Girl: "Oh! I ain't sayin' you're not CUTE! They're just different." 

(In all seriousness.)
Boy: Ms. Zhang, are you Puerto Rican?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reading Group

Boy: *throws up on floor*
Teacher: Oh sweetie, it looks like you caught the stomach bug that's been going around.
Boy: But I didn't eat a bug...I promise!

Boy: I don't like plants that bite. What are they called again?
Me: Venus Flytraps.
Boy: Yea. Those. Only Batman can kill them because he has weapons.