Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quotes Up Till Now

*baby girl sits next to my student*
Jake: Hey, this baby is cute.
Me: Aww, that's such a nice thing to say to her.
Jake: You are too Ms. Zhang! *big smile*
Me: *blushes*

Me: Wow, Cassie, you're such a mom. You always take care of everyone.
Jake: Me too, I think I want to be a man too. *big smile* and I want a house, yea, I think I want a house too.
Me: *thinks: oh Jake.... oh little Jake, how clueless you are*

[Class is writing about something they did with family]
Jake: Ms. Zhang, look what I wrote. It's my cat. He needs to listen to Justin Bieber to fall asleep.

[I just finished reading a story on the carpet]
Me: Theeee End.
Class: *applause*
4 yr-old Lance: *applause* Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Tribute to My Scholars

"Kids say the darnest things", never did I realize the full meaning of this until I started teaching Kindergarten. This blog is going to be a tribute to my wonderful 4-6 year-old students who fill my life with stress but even more with laughter. The work of a teacher is tiring and endless but so worth it when it is paid off with the sweet smile of a child and ridiculously hilarious comments which can only be conjured up from the mind of a child.

It is here that I will share with the world life's little presents to us Kindergarten teachers: quotes from my little ones. =)

I'm fully aware that these quotes are not going to be as funny or have magical healing powers on you as it did on me (the kind that heals the mind of a teacher, a teacher who's trying to teach ABCs and 123s and the students are totaling 50% mastery as a class).... anyways I digress, but this blog also serves as a place where I can track all these quotes and events and look back on it when I am old and gray...or just when I need a pick me up, a reminder as to why I love my kids so much even when they're driving me slightly nuts as all kids do at one point or another.

So here's to you, my little loves of my life. =)
**All names are pseudonyms to protect my kids**